

How Exede Satellite Internet Works

Similar to satellite TV, Exede Internet is beamed directly to your home via a signal from our satellites in space.  This is what makes Exede Internet available just about anywhere (including internet in rural areas) – there’s no need to worry about landlines or phone lines. Satellite internet is a fast, effective and excellent alternative to DSL and slower wireless services.


Here’s how satellite internet from Exede works:

  1. You’re on your laptop or tablet and you click on your favorite website. The signal goes to your Exede modem (or through your router first if you have one), then through a short cable to the dish outside your home.
  2. The signal is beamed up to our satellite — presto!
  3. The satellite beams the signal down to one of our large antennas on the ground.
  4. The antenna delivers the signal to the world of internet.

EXEDE!!!! experience the best in Satellite Internet

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